1.Home page

Home page provides a brief introduction of PhaSePred, a search box and some links to other pages. you can search according to gene name and UniProt entry, updates of the website are displayed here as well.


2.Search results page

The search results are presented as a responsible table, The UniProt entry can be clicked to navigate to detail page.


3.Detail page

Detail page includes four sections:
1) Protein Information, which contains the gene name and organism of the protein.
2) PhaSePred and related scores, the ranks for these scores in the corresponding organism are displayed in a radar chart, and for the Immunofluorescence images based method DeepPhase, the immunofluorescence image from The Human Protein Atlas is shown.


3) Protein feature viewer, the LLPS-related predictions with residue-level scores are displayed in an interactive and scalable interface, which is created by neXtProt feature viewer.


4) Protein sequence viewer, the amino acids sequence for the protein is shown, and the regions with higher LLPS-related scores are highlighted.
